Virtual Visits


The TIR (Irun-Rome Tour) App proposes a route on foot to wander through the streets of Irun to discover the ancient Roman town of Oiasso which is underground below the feet of those who visit. This route comprises 8 points which will enable you to get to know the settlement, starting from Junkal Church Square and finishing at the Oiasso Museum. Increased reality together with 3D & 2D reproductions are the technologies used to show the contents. TIR (Irun Rome Tour) App can be downloaded free at Google Play store.

Irugurutzeta historical complex, i.e.

El Coto Minero de Irugurutzeta-Meazuri belongs to concession of the ‘San Enrique’ iron exploitation which generated important infrastructures, and whose greatest development was during the second half of the 19th century. This installation was once one of the most important mining companies along the Cantabrian Coast (with 9 incinerator furnaces).